Image Source: Slate
It's clear as day, President Trump is surrounded by those who want to destroy him. In all three branches of government, there are people who want President Trump and his agenda to fail.
Paul Ryan, for example, is missing the mark on pushing through Trump's agenda, Mitch McConnell hasn't been much help in the Senate either. The GOP is the biggest thorn in Trump's side at the moment with the constant failures and feuds. For crying out loud, back in October 2016, Paul Ryan said himself he'll never support Donald Trump. Listen for yourself, per Breitbart News:
John McCain and Lindsey Graham were so critical of President Trump until the President bombed that Syrian airfield, makes you think huh? Out of all things Trump did prior and wanted to implement, "America First", GOP senators McCain and Graham applaud Trump for bombing Syria.
Then you have the GOP controlled House not being able to agree on healthcare because the GOP establishment refused to work with conservatives, and Paul Ryan sold Trump a bad bill. The Chuck Schumer and the democrats obstruct every single nominee of President Trump, and now are vowing to shut the government down over border wall funding. President Trump should let the shut down happen, but what's worse is, according to The Gateway Pundit Paul Ryan wants to delay wall funding until 2018. In that same article, the Border Patrol Union president was not very happy with that report. It just honestly seems like there is a coordinated attack on President Trump by both parties, but there are those in the GOP who are with Trump. People like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz in the Senate, and people like Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan in the House. Now we're all too familiar with liberal judges blocking President Trump's executive actions on immigration and travel, and today that song was sung again. U.S District Judge William Orrick, of California, issued an injunction that will stay in place until two lawsuits go through court regarding Trump's order on sanctuary city funding, according to Associated Press. President Trump is really trying to implement his "America First" agenda, but he can only do so much by himself, and the courts are so politicized that some judges are acting on politics and not on law. Most of these judges come from liberal locked places like California, so that should tell you something. President Trump will soon have the Supreme Court on his side, but that needs to come sooner rather than later. President Trump not only has to worry about the Judicial and Legislative branches, but his own Executive branch as well. Those true to his agenda, like Steve Bannon and Steven Miller, are being pushed to the side while people like Jared Kushner, Ivanka, and former Goldman Sachs executives are front and center. Rex Tillerson and Nikki Haley seem to be sticking to Trump's plan though, which is very important given their roles. Let's not forget the many Obama admin hold overs that are helping leak intel reports regarding Trump, that are baseless. The "Deep State" or the intel agencies are infected with Obama staffers who have been helping thwart President. Those who wish to do him harm want globalism to survive and for the status quo to survive, which the election of Donald Trump threatened and is on his way to destroy. These people do not want America First, they want globalism and more money for themselves. President Trump needs to fight his way through this hell and stick to his base. Trump needs to listen to those who got him elected, use the law to his advantage, and have the ones loyal to him help him accomplish this. Eventually Congress will have no choice, but to listen and then the swamp can finally be drained, because the alligators have all made themselves noticeable.
Below are the results of last week's Pulsar poll on support for war with North Korea, a reality we may face in the near future. We are closer now than ever to war with the rogue state, but China seems to have the US's back. 59% do not support war with North Korea, while 29% do, and 12% are unsure out of 58 voters.
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Since last week's post on the powder keg of the 21st century, both suspected powder kegs have dimmed down a bit, or so it seemed come last Saturday. Last Saturday, the 15th, was North Korea's "Day of the Sun", which is North Korea's greatest holiday.
Every Day of the Sun, North Korea does something provocative, but as of recent they've been doing many provocative things. This Day of the Sun, all North Korea did was celebrate and show off their military might, but a day later they went for a missile launch and failed miserably. Yes, the missile exploded during launch according the Pentagon, but was it a North Korean error or a US sabotage? According to The Sun, the US may have had something to do with the missile failure. The article claims the US may have launched a cyber attack which caused the missile to blow up on launch. It's hard to say if that launch were successful, if President Trump would have ordered an intercept or a strike somewhere in North Korea. President Trump doesn't boast about future military action. In addition to the 30,000 US troops stationed in South Korea, the US is bringing in the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson along with several destroyers to the Korean Peninsula. However, according to ZeroHedge, the US will be sending two more aircraft carriers next week. The aircraft carriers Ronald Reagan and Nimitz will join Vinson fleet by next week, and ZeroHedge cited a South Korean news outlet named Yonhap. Let's not forget the 150,000-200,000 Chinese troops currently at the North Korea-China border; which is either a threat to North Korea, part of invasion plan with US, or part of reinforcement plan for North Korea. The Chinese saved North Korea in the Korean War which is why we're in the position we're in 60 years later. Here's a clip from Fox News to show where we are right now with North Korea:
President Trump would go to war if necessary with North Korea, but he would be wise to make nice with China before doing it, which he seemed to have done at Mar-a-Lago. South Korea and Japan would be more than enough help for the US to completely take control of North Korea. Remember though, war with North Korea only works if China benefits somehow.
What about Russia though? Putin and comrades have been quite about the North Korean threat, but Putin seems to be no fan of Kim Jung Un, however Russia is flexing some muscle in this debacle. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, Russia is sending naval ships along with China to track the US naval fleet moving in. This should be a little alarming. If China and Russia were to collude to back North Korea in a war against the US, the worst possible World War III scenario could happen. That is a China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran alliance which would be very overwhelming for US and our allies, and probably fought on US soil at some point. More than likely Russia just flexing their muscle and strutting with China to spark some concerns. At any rate, North Korea is still vowing all out war if the US provokes, and is even threatening nuclear war as well, per The Sun. According to that same article, North Korea says they'll continue to test missiles weekly, even nukes. Kim Jung Un hasn't received the message clearly, it's almost as if he wants war and he probably does. Kim's generals are probably so afraid of him, and/or loyal, that they won't tell him the truth about military powers such as the US, for good reason. Kim Jung Un executes people in very brutal ways for very little reason, let's not forget there are no human rights in North Korea, be loyal to the Kim family and do your part and you may live. It's time we finally finish the Korean War and take North Korea. Below are the results from last week's Pulsar Poll on the US missile strikes on Syria, run on the Pulsar Twitter account. 95 voters, sadly just shy of 100. Every vote counts, every perspective counts. Out of 95 votes, we had a tie for both "Yes" and "No", both receiving 37% of the vote while "26%" were "Unsure". To be honest, that pretty accurately sums up the mood of the nation with the Syrian Strikes.
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The world has sadly reached pre-World War I levels, where multiple countries are very tense with each other. We have ourselves a powder keg situation, actually we have two. The world is one bad act away from war, or so it seems.
This brings us closer to World War III, but elevated now thanks to North Korea and Syria. President Trump angered Russia and Iran by attacking a Syrian airbase because of a gas attack on Syrian civilians by the Syrian government. North Korea has been shooting missiles off whenever and mainly towards Japan, while prepping for war, so as a show of force the US Navy has moved a strike fleet to the Korean Peninsula. There has been a powder keg in the Middle East for some time as well as in the Korean Peninsula, over 50 years for that one. Let's break it down. MIDDLE EASTERN THEATER: The US strikes in Syria stoked a large fire between Russia and Iran with the West, and Russia and Iran vow response to any more US strikes against the Assad led Syrian military. According to Breitbart, Russia and Iran said the US "crossed red lines". Russia may not act, but Iran very well may given their previous actions against US Navy, but if they do it'll likely be more towards Israel, due to distance. Iran would likely go after US military presence near them, like the Navy, but would unlikely succeed. If Iran attacked Israel though, it would almost seal Iran's fate anyhow, due to US and Western response. Russia may have no choice but to enter the war at that point, bringing in a new World War, and if the Middle East erupts like that, North Korea and China may take advantage and act in Asia. Russia could spill the war into Europe, and actors like Turkey may enter. It would be wise for the US to focus on ISIS in Syria and let Russia deal with the Syrian government. President Trump is the king of deals, and who better than him to strike a deal with Putin to oust Assad and let Russia occupy Syria and help with the fight against ISIS. ASIAN THEATER: The Korean Peninsula is the most likely keg to explode, North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un is ready for war, and the US has deployed a US Navy strike fleet to the Korean Peninsula. According to Express, Kim Jung Un said he "promises a powerful response". China, according to The Daily Mail, has deployed 150,000 troops to the North Korean border as well. Let's not forget, China's president was with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago when Trump ordered the attacked the Syrian airbase. President Trump and President Xi were to discuss North Korea, and maybe this could be part of the results of what was discussed. The US has about 30,000 troops in South Korea per Fox News, and according to Mirror, President Trump has ordered his military advisers to prepare for action in North Korea. It may be the in the world's best interest for a joint US-China military campaign against North Korea. However, this could give cover for Russia and Iran to act in the Middle East, which would draw conflict that region. China could maybe trick the US and fight for North Korea. Here is homepage of Drudge Report for crying out loud:
Either way it's a scary situation. If either keg goes off, the other one is likely to explode too, and both scenarios could end up on American soil.
​President Trump needs to listen to his message of America first and focus on American interests. If Trump sticks with Secretary of State Tillerson and takes it to ISIS in Syria, that powder keg could be avoided. The belligerent actor in the Middle East is Iran, if they act in Syria or against Israel, the keg could explode just from that. Iran better not try and make any more moves on US Navy though, or the US may act on Iran like they did Syria, and that too may explode the keg. North Korea seems like the likely scenario, but it seems as if China is on the US side, we should hope because if not, that's how World War III can start, and China may be the modern day WWII Japan. Below are two good videos from Fox Business on the North Korean and Syrian conflicts: Scrolling through you're going to come across articles with headlines that read something like "Trump just signed your Internet privacy away". Complete fake news people, and the mainstream media knows it, they hope you trust their brand and don't look into the story any further.
This morning President Trump signed the repeal of Obama-era FCC mandated regulations aimed at forcing ISPs to acquire consent from users before selling their data to third-parties. It's not a bad thought, but it puts the ISPs at a disadvantage against companies like Google and Facebook. Google and Facebook are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission and aren't strictly regulated by them. According to The Daily Caller, Facebook and Google sell your data to third-parties such as advertisers. This is why Ajit Pai thought it was inappropriate for the FCC to regulate the ISPs and have government force them to do something. By the way, the law never even went into effect, so nothing even changed. Now you can opt-out on certain data collections with Facebook and Google, but Facebook and Google will forever hold your data. The ISPs sift through your browsing habits and take a guess on what you may be interested in and cater ads to you based on that, and that's exactly how Facebook and Google operate. It's called targeted advertising. Verizon however did get busted a couple years back when they a tracking cookie that couldn't be deleted, which tracked users for targeted advertising. No third party will know about any of your data, there will be no way a third-party could gather data from an ISP and pin-point it back to you. Now the ISPs themselves can do that, but the third parties do not have access to that. That is according to a very good BGR article that you all should read. Also according to that same BGR article, companies like Verizon and Comcast have already made statements that they don't sell their customers' individual browsing history. ISPs do what companies like Facebook and Google do, use your data to target advertise. Even the Huffington Post admits you have no privacy online, which you don't. You remember the Wikileaks "Vault 7" leaks that are currently going on, right? The leaks that show how the CIA has access to almost anything that connects to the Internet, and can spy on you whenever and wherever. You should not expect privacy online, it is almost absurd in this day and age. The majority of the US either has a Facebook account or Google account, therefore if you haven't opted out, your data is being sold. The ISPs do the same and may know a lot less about your browsing habits, and you in general than Facebook and Google. Don't forget Google has Google Chrome, the web browser, a direct funnel for data collection, and now has their fancy new AI called Google Assistant. Do your own research, the mainstream media is continuing to push a negative narrative on anything the GOP or President Trump does. Repealing "privacy regulations" may sound like a bad thing, but ask yourself why? Why does the FCC want to get rid of the rules? Ajit Pai is a clear pro-business, pro-consumer FCC chairman, and the call to end the rules reinforces that. Pai and Congress would rather see the FTC, who regulates Facebook and Google, do the same regulating on the ISPs. That's fair. All this really was, was the government deregulating the ISPs. If you're concerned about your Internet privacy, check out some software that helps better protect you, and make sure to check all your privacy settings/policies on any accounts you have. Poll results from last week's, week of 3/24, Pulsar Poll. The poll was about what is more important? Only 18 voters, but that's 18 perspectives. Here are the results: Out of 18 votes, 39% thought healthcare was the most important out of those choices. Trump-Russia fiction story came in second, Trump and his Team surveillance in third, and tax cuts coming in last.
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President Obama's former national security adviser, Susan Rice, was the one who requested that Trump transition members names, and even President Trump, to be unmasked in surveillance reports. This is according to Fox News.
This is quite the scandal, a real one, unlike the Trump-Russia fiction story. Susan Rice requested unmasking of US citizens that were "caught up" in surveillance of foreign entities. This is more than likely an illegal act, due to the fact, Devin Nunes stated this had nothing to do with the Russian investigation. Why does that investigation matter? Unmasking wouldn't be a big deal if it were part of a criminal or national security investigation, but Nunes didn't seem to think it was, at least pertaining to Russia that is. This is starting to sound like it may be tied to the FISA warrant obtain to surveil a server "connected" to a Russian bank, after a previous FISA warrant request was denied for requesting multiple Trump associates and Trump himself. To read more about the events leading up to this, read this previous Pulsar post. According to Circa, White House logs showed Susan Rice was behind the mask of the unmasking case. The article stated that computer logs showed Susan Rice accessed intelligence reports, some that had to do with Trump and his team, in Obama's last seven months. The article also stated that the unmasking began in July 2016, right around the first FISA request, and accelerated after Trump won the Presidential election. This could also mean Rice was behind the disseminating of the surveillance reports between agencies. Now according to The Daily Caller, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has called on her to testify before Congress, as she should. However, Rice may just plead the 5th the whole time, but her name is still present on the evidence pin pointing this case to her. Rice also said something that will land her in hot water, let's just say she lied. Here's the video from PBS NewsHour of Susan Rice saying "I know nothing about this", when being asked about Devin Nunes's initial unmasking claims:
Susan Rice has dug herself into a pretty deep hole here. First she committed an act that appears politically motivated, but that isn't confirmed yet. Second she went on camera and lied about it by saying she knew nothing about what Devin Nunes was talking about. Rice can plead the 5th all she wants, but the evidence is there, and if this case turns criminal, she may end up behind bars.
Also let's remind ourselves that no evidence exist that Trump and Russia colluded with Russia to win the Presidential election. When people say it's risky to bet against Donald Trump, they aren't kidding you, it is never safe to bet against Trump. President Trump's claims of surveillance during his campaign are looking to be more and more true everyday. Pulsar will continue to stay on this story all the way until the case is closed. The evidence continues to mount in favor of the President and against the Obama administration. For all we know, the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign may have colluded to derail the Trump campaign. Since that failed, it was up to the Obama administration to derail Trump's transition team, and then finally make sure all surveillance reports can be copied and shard throughout agencies to bite the Trump presidency. Stay tuned, the engine has only just fired up. |
October 2020