We're not going away. We're exposing what truly happened the night of October 1, 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada. We know, and it's time the rest of you know. Paddock didn't do it. The proof is out there, and the real official story has yet to be heard.
The evidence against the official story is astounding, and the proof that vindicates Stephen Paddock comes from SWAT body camera footage, high definition pictures of the Mandalay Bay after the attack, and a video from a man named Chris. This man named Chris live streamed his experience after the attack, and he was just sharing the information he had and what he knew happened earlier that night. Please note that this stream occurred, according to the YouTube description, at 12:16AM Las Vegas time on the night of the attack. The attack itself has been over for about 2 hours. According to Chris's live stream, more events happened 2 hours after the attack had ended. The video will be posted below, but lets focus on some snippets from the video. These series of images we'll show is at around 6:55 in the video, what you're about to see looks like an explosion, or some sort of light anomaly from what looks to be the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay, and towards the area where Paddock's suite was. See these three images here, per Las Vegas Shooting Archive:
Let's post the video here, and you can watch and decide for yourself. You'll want to start the video at around 6:45, but feel free to start it and let Chris explain what's going on at first. Watch from 6:45, then at 6:55 you'll see the anomaly. Again this video is per Las Vegas Shooting Archive on YouTube:
Throughout the video Chris hears several booms and thuds in the distance, and he's unable to locate their source. He also shares some information from people he knew at the concert and at Mandalay Bay. Let's take a look at some of those instances here.
Do you really think Stephen Paddock did this all on his own? The body camera footage from the SWAT team that breached Paddock's room shows that no windows in Paddock's room were broken. SWAT can be heard twice saying, "We do not have a broken window." and "We have curtains open on a window, that's not broken." The latter, is the window that Stephen paddock would have been shooting out of, the window next to the pillar in that room. In that SWAT body camera footage, you hear nothing about evidence, you hear nothing about broken glass, expended shell casings, hell not even Paddock's weapons. Could Chris's live stream be the smoking gun footage? Did Chris happen to catch police or FBI blowing the windows in Paddock's suite? What would you do if you were the police or FBI? You just wasted all that time zeroing in on who you were sure was the suspect, only to find out that suspect could have never of shot from his room. By then, all other suspects more than likely would have fled the area. Did they? Another part of the "official story" has recently been blown away, they told you Paddock killed himself, right? He didn't. Not only does the actual picture of Paddock disprove a suicide (fresh blood, position of blood, and dry blood around a hole on Paddock's chest), but more police body camera footage seems to disprove that story. The video below was released by Mr. Burgandy on YouTube, it shows a Las Vegas Police officer saying "suspect's down in Mandalay Bay 32nd floor, SWAT O.I.S (Officer Involved Shooting)".
It couldn't be more clear, the officer says, reading from a group message, that the suspect is down on the 32nd floor from an office involved shooting. Why would they lie after the fact?
Here is a little more proof that Paddock was killed by SWAT, the video below from UFO Hunter UK, shows the breaching of Paddock's room. In this body camera footage, you hear the initial blast from the breach, then another boom which sounds like a gun shot.
Strange huh? This video also shows some strangeness of officer's going into 32-134.
Still think Paddock did it? Still think there wasn't more people involved? Still think the windows were broken before SWAT breached Paddock's room? The evidence says your wrong. This evidence is all from official body camera footage, dispatch recordings, witness reports, 911 calls, police reports, and eyewitness accounts. This isn't a conspiracy, folks, this is a real cover-up. Below are some excerpts from dispatch recordings via https://archive.org/details/Batch8-911-Calls/171001003519_(1175).wma. They show how police believed there were multiple shooters and that the shooters were using automatic weapons, and specifically belt-fed automatic weapons.
There are also excerpts that show police had other suspects in custody that night.
Paddock didn't kill all those people. He may have been involved in some way, but he did not fire shots from his room. The windows were not broken prior to SWAT breaching Paddock's room. Look to the sky that night, helicopters can be seen all around while shooting is going on, and guess what, they were never supposed to be there.
Witness reports, 911 calls, and dispatch logs all point to multiple shooters, either in the air or on the ground. So where'd they go? Maybe John Cullen of John E Hoover can help you out:
Thank you, Bartman, Shepard Ambellas, and John Cullen.
Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of alleged Las Vegas Massacre shooter Stephen Paddock, has not been talked about, seen, or heard from in months. Where is she?
There's a lot of suspicious things about Marilou Danley. One, being Stephen Paddock's girlfriend, two is her player's card was found in Paddock's suite, and three her fingerprints were found on ammunition. That's right, according to The Los Angeles Times, Marilou Danley said her fingerprints would probably be on ammunition found in Paddock's suite and home, and they were. Per the official story Marilou was no where to be found the night of the shooting, she was in the Philippines so we've heard. Now that story kind of adds up because, Paddock wired $100,000 to an account in the Philippines a week before the shooting,per NBC News. However, according to The Las Vegas Review-Journal, radio transmissions have been released where officers considered Marilou "armed and dangerours". There were three radio transmissions regarding her, after the initial finding of her player's card in Paddock's suite. The three transmissions regarding Marilou occurred at 1:37AM, 1:47AM, and 1:59AM on the night of the shooting. They initially believed Marilou was in a Hyundai Tuscon with Nevada plates, and was to be considered "armed and dangerous". Later on officers claimed this was a false alarm. We know this much, per The Gateway Pundit, there were two people in Paddock's suite at one point before the shooting. The Gateway Pundit released a photo of a receipt showing room service for two ordered to 32-135 of the Mandalay Bay. See here:
Was that dinner for two for Paddock and Marilou, or Paddock and someone else? Women's clothing was found in Paddock's suite, and a shopping bag from a women's clothing store was found in Paddock's van. That shopping bag is from a store called ANGL, which is a clothing store for women's dresses and other "trendy clothing". See here:
So was Paddock a cross dresser? I don't think so. Is that Marilou's bag? Very possible. Did Paddock have anymore women with him that week and day? According to dispatch logs, yes.
See the dispatch log here showing just that:
Interesting they blacked out the room number for those 3 females, if those 3 females weren't involved, why black out the room number? We do know from police body cam footage in Paddock's suite, that identification for a "Jenna Perdue" was found. So we have Marilou Danley and Jenna Perdue identifications being found in Paddock's suite.
Was Marilou there the day of the shooting? Did she get on a plane to flee the country in hopes of never being found or questioned, only to be caught? How come after Marilou's questioning, and the evidence found connecting her to Stephen Paddock's alleged plan, nothing has been brought forth about her involvement. She hasn't been put on any trials or anything. Who were the other women that were in Paddock's room? Friends of Marilou? Hookers? More girlfriends of Paddock himself? Could it be Paddock was in on something else, gun running or a patsy, and Marilou was debreifed and told to be hush-hush about it in exchange for immunity? Remember, windows in Paddock's room 32-135 were never broken prior to officer's breaching the room. Pulsar broke that down in two stories: Where are you Marilou? Why don't we know more about your involvement with this? Why was your player's card in Paddock's suite, while you were in the Philippines? I guess we're going to have to find out one way or another.
In Brussels today, President Trump and other NATO leaders came to town for a summit. President Trump dominated the meeting.
President Trump, from the time he was a candidate and all the way up to today, has been a hawk on NATO. President Trump specifically goes after the defense spending of other countries. President Trump has time and time again poked at the NATO nations on their defense spending. Check this graph out detailing the defense spending of each country in NATO, per ZeroHedge:
How is that only five, yes five, out of the 28 meet the requirement of 2%? Out of all countries involved, how is Greece second to the US? The UK falls in third, Estonia is fourth, and Poland is fifth.
Estonia and Poland have great reason to meet the requirement since they'd be the most threatened by Russia. So what about the other nations? That's what President Trump set out to answer today. President Trump really went after Germany, because Germany pays very little in defense, but make billion dollar deals with Russia. Here's a video from NBC News showing President Trump's argument against Germany's defense spending and Russian dealings:
President Trump does have a point. Germany is barely spending any money on NATO, while making billion dollar deals with the country NATO was set up to defend against.
Per Yahoo!, President Trump asked all NATO leaders to increase their defense spending to 4% to match the US's defense spending. It really isn't fair that the United States is spending the most, more than twice as much to protect Europe from Russia. The same countries who claim they're against Russia, or think President Trump has Russian ties, make deals with Russia and barely spend any money to defend against Russia. It's a joke. President Trump knows it's not in the US's best interest to cut defense spending, but he knows it's not in the US's best interest to keep footing the majority of NATO's bill. America First. Europe thinks they can play President Trump, but with the on-going trade disputes, and spending the most by far in NATO, Trump has all the leverage. The EU should play ball. Why should the US protect an entire continent from one nation, if that entire continent isn't going to contribute their fair share? The NATO leaders talked a big game before the meeting, but President Trump clearly won the day.
Still think Paddock did it on his own, huh? Still think all victims of the Las Vegas Shooting were shot and killed from room 32-135 of the Mandalay Bay, huh? Still believe the official story, huh?
The amount of evidence against the official story is outstanding. One single body camera on one of Las Vegas's finest blows the official story out of the water. Now if you have read the part 1 of this story, you'd be up to speed, and have a pretty good idea on what really happened that night. You'd see, and if watched John E. Hoover's videos and read Intellihub, that no windows were ever broken prior to Las Vegas Police breaching Paddock's Mandalay Bay suite. Let's break this down one more time. You're part of the Las Vegas Police strike team tasked with breaching Paddock's suite and taking down the shooter. You manage to get to the room, and boom, you breach the room. Next thing you know, Paddock is on the ground dead, guns and ammo everywhere, and you think you accomplished the objective. So you start sweeping the room gathering evidence and checking for clues, and you then notice that no windows in Paddock's room are broken. An officer, whose name from what we believe is Corey, says these words: "We do not have a broken window." and "Standby we have curtains open on a window that's not broken.". Another officer can be heard saying, "It's not! It's not! It's not! Corey, it's not, no it's not.". This "Corey" fella, whose name can be heard multiple times on the officer's body camera, is no where to be found on the preliminary FIT report. So who was this "Corey" fella, who stated more than once that windows are not broken? John Cullen of John E. Hoover on YouTube can help you understand:
Is Corey a "government fixer"? Why wouldn't he be on any reports regarding the breaching and sweeping of Paddock's suite, but can clearly be heard on an officer's body cam?
Back to the windows. Some may say, well that body cam footage doesn't show all the windows in Paddock's suite. Correct, but it shows the one, and the only one that counts. Before an officer exclaims to Corey that the window is not broken, they tell an officer to check the window by the pillar. The window by the pillar is the window that was broken, and its image is now etched into the official story. In Intellihub's initial story on this, and John E Hoover's initial video on this, we see that the window is not broken, and Corey and another officer confirm that window is not broken. Here is another John E Hoover video on this in case you need a refresher:
Now let's pivot for a moment, say the window was broken, why would an officer walk over to the window next to the pillar and stand on broken glass and shell casings? Wouldn't you want to be more careful with evidence, aren't officers and investigators supposed to leave evidence undisturbed until the investigation at the scene is concluded? Why would an officer carelessly walk on and over evidence?
Like the evidence pictured here at that exact same window:
It's almost like that window was never broken prior to breaching, and they were simply checking to see if it was broken because the curtain was in a position like it was being looked out of or moved. The officer moved the curtain to find that the window was not broken, and officer Corey confirms that.
Compare these two photographs, one with the broken windows taken the day after the massacre, and the other taken the night of the massacre. Notice anything?
Yes, the one on the right may be a little small. Click to enlarge it, and look to where 32-135 should be, do you see any indication that windows are broken? You do not see any lights at all, and if windows were broken, the lights from those rooms would be easily noticeable since Mandalay's windows are tinted.
For the record, the picture on the right was taken after the shooting. Check the source for the full picture. Why does it seem like we're being lied to? Is it because we are? Is it because Las Vegas Police breached Paddock's room, Paddock is dead, guns everywhere, ammo everywhere, but no broken windows? No broken windows means Paddock couldn't have been the shooter. You just wasted all your time zeroing in on Paddock to take him down, sure he is the main suspect, just to find out he wasn't. What would you do? A true independent and moral person would tell the truth, so were the officer's pressured? Is the deep state involved here? Also, the silence after the officers confirm there is no broken windows is very telling. You can tell they're shocked and not sure what to do. In one of the John E Hoover videos, when the officers breach Paddock's room, you hear a bang then "nice shot". Nice shot? I thought Paddock killed himself? More and more evidence shows that officer's, and Jesus Campos, engaged Paddock. Here's a tweet from @intellihubnews that shows this:
The blood coming from Paddock's head doesn't add up with the suicide, and look at his chest, that looks like a hole with blood around it. It looks dry as the blood coming from his head looks very fresh, also there isn't much blood coming from his head after a gunshot wound. Per the body cam footage, they didn't take photos that quickly.
Also, how is that rifle over his left leg? Kind of looks placed, don't it? I mean was he standing with his foot underneath the bi-pod area when he was killed? Even if that was the case, wouldn't the rifle have moved when he fell to the ground? So what's going on here? Why are there still more questions than answers 9 months later? If Paddock wasn't the shooter, which he couldn't have been since the windows weren't broken, then who was? Answer, look in the sky on the videos that night. Answer, listen to the 911 calls and read the witness reports talking about multiple shooters up and down the Las Vegas strip. Check some my findings from this batch of 911 calls that night:
Need any more findings or proof, check out this old Pulsar post on the witness statements from that night.
Did the authorities falsify evidence? If so, they could be in some serious trouble. We're gathering the proof, but don't hold your breath on prosecution. See you don't hear this stuff from the Las Vegas Police, Clark County Sheriff, or the FBI. They fed you their "official story" and have fought tooth and nail not to let any information out, but they failed. Regular citizens have blown the top off this investigation and the truth is coming out. We can't be stopped. One day the real story will be brought to the masses, but sadly, that day seems far away. We're doing our part, now do your part and share this and any other Las Vegas Shooting video/story you can find. The windows in Paddock's suite were not broken, who was the shooter(s)? They were in the sky and on the ground. Paddock gave them the cover to flee the scene. Keep asking questions and keep searching, folks.
Two years ago on July 10, 2016, Seth Rich was shot in the back in Washington D.C. Seth Rich, who at the time was a DNC staffer, was murdered around 4:15AM in what police called a "botched robbery".
Since Seth's murder, there have been many theories on who killed him and why. The leading theory, other than the "official story", is Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source that was providing DNC and Clinton emails to Wikileaks. An Infowars story from 2017 cited a detective named Rod Wheeler who has been investigating this case, and was hired by the family. Wheeler appeared on Fox News's Hannity and said the following: "I called the police department back in March." "I didn't hear anything for 2-3 days." "The police department did not call me back because someone, a high-ranking official at the DNC-check this out- a high ranking official at the DNC-when I called the police department, they got that information and called the Rich family wanting to know, why was I snooping around?". Wheeler also said: "We actually have a statement from the FBI telling us to 'contact the D.C Police- the D.C Police says, 'Contact the FBI'". Wheeler would then go on to say that a "very credible" federal investigator told him that he had seen Seth Rich's computer and case file, he revealed that Rich had been emailing Wikileaks. Wheeler mentioned that the D.C Police and the FBI would not tell him where Seth Rich's computer is. Wheeler would then say these bombshell words, "Well perhaps there were some email communications between Seth Rich and Wikileaks". Now in that same Infowars article, it is mentioned that the Rich family issued a statement against Wheeler and his words. The family stated that Wheeler's claims were "unsubstantiated", and he was hired and paid for by a third party. At the end of the day though, he is still a detective and was still hired to investigate this murder. Over the past couple of years this story really fizzled out. The mainstream media did what the do best, which is create hysteria for a story or completely ignore a story, and they have completely ignored this since 2016. Alternative media have been the ones keeping this story alive, and giving the public some updates. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been a key figure in the Seth Rich investigation. Assange has suggested multiple times that Rich may have been the source behind the DNC leaks. He made the first, and pretty convincing, suggestion in August 2016 on a Dutch TV program Nieuwsuur:
Many have been calling on President Trump to pardon Assange, and bring him the US for information in exchange for asylum. One piece of information being on Seth Rich.
Now why hasn't President Trump? More than likely pressured by deep state and congressional members, check this out from the infamous QAnon via @qanon76 on Twitter:
Qanon is suggesting that Julian Assange (JA) or the DNC server, that has been no where to be found, equals the truth on Seth Rich (SR). Notice that tweet though, Democratic senators, and democratic senators only, demanded that Julian Assange's asylum in the US be revoked. How coincidental?
Now who is Qanon? Nobody knows for sure, but if you're on Twitter then you've probably seen #Qanon, #Q, or have seen @qanon76 popping up on your timeline. Qanon is someone or multiple people pushing out information in short bursts using abbreviations and not much detail. It's almost like a puzzle, and you have to have an understanding for what is being talked about to really understand Q's information bursts. Here is a little more from Qanon:
"Server unlocked SR", "MS_13 (2 187'd nearby) phones unlock command & control". Did Podesta or someone from the DNC know Seth Rich was taking files from the DNC and sending them to Wikileaks? When caught, did someone in the DNC hire two MS 13 gang members to murder Seth? Remember Seth was killed, but not robbed. Did someone from DNC or gov't then pop the MS 13 gang members to cover up the tracks?
See, these Qanon posts are like a puzzle. They really make you ask questions and think into it. Per The Daily Mail, Seth Rich was out drinking heavily until about 1:45AM (officially), but could have been out as late as 2:30AM at another bar. From 2:30-4:15AM, no one knows what Seth was doing, only known to be on his way home at the time he was shot. Did Seth meet with someone or others after the bar? Was he told he was caught, or maybe asked about the situation? After he left, the hit was called in? Why is the case shrouded in secrecy?
I understand the murder happened very late at night and no one was really in sight, but cameras are everywhere around D.C., there has to be some hard evidence here. Shell casings, bullets, ballistic investigation? This case, much like the Vegas Shooting case, should not be shrouded in so much secrecy and mystery, family and citizens deserve more.
The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday, that Jack Burkman, a Washington-based attorney, told The Gateway Pundit that a witness has conclusive evidence that'll prove two people murdered Seth Rich. Burkman, according to the article, is workng with a private investigation team to solve the Seth Rich murder case. Burkman stated that they have a witness who can ID Seth's two killers. Remember Qanon? "MS_13 (2 187'd nearby)". Burkman suggests though, that the killers may have been part of DEA and ATF. Associates to murder? DEA and ATF are agencies that would deal with MS 13. Spooky nevertheless . Burkman held a press conference today regarding this, and not a lot was said, no names were said, but simply backs up the claims Burkman made to The Gateway Pundit. See the press conference here via Jason Goodman on YouTube:
The witness is in fear for their life, and it seems to be for good reason. This is just a very spooky and mysterious situation overall.
Was it really a DNC assassination? Why is so much information being held by the District and by the federal government? So much basic information has not been given to the public. Is the family being pressured? Maybe they just want privacy, I mean they did lose a son. This just stinks to high heaven, and it's a shame we're still talking about this two years later. How much longer? Alternative media will continue to push for information, and Qanon seems to be doing its job. Keep searching and keep asking questions.
With all the hysteria regarding Russia, Russia collusion, Russian interference, Russia this, and Russia that, we seem to be ignoring one extremely large country at play. China.
China, according to Wikipedia, has an estimated population of 1, 403, 500, 365 people. It is an extremely large country in terms of people, land, and most certainly economy. While half the US focuses on Russia, who takes a back seat to China in population, land, and economy, China is increasing their military. Russia and China may be able to match each other in military might now, Russia certainly had the upper hand at one point, and really within the last decade. China over the past five years has been increasing their military might. According to Defense News, China has increased their military spending by 8.1% to $173 billion. China is also launching their second aircraft carrier this year. China would like to beef up their stealth fighters and missile programs too. China's Peoples Liberation Army consists of 2 million soldiers. China has said it once and has said it once again, this as recent as April 27, 2018 per Breitbart, that America can't protect Taiwan.
Let's not forget that the U.S and China have been in conflict in cyber space for over a decade now. Chinese hackers attack the US, either government, businesses, or citizens everyday, and you better believe the US does it back. Now the US and China did sign an agreement over cyber crime and hacking in 2015, but it really didn't stop anything.
A good article to read on this is this Newsweek one by Dorothy Denning. Is World War III coming, is it inevitable? I've been talking about powder kegs for a long while now, President Trump seems to be doing all he can to get rid of the powder kegs, but it's tough. President Trump made a historic meeting with an ally of China's, North Korea. China is North Korea's lifeline for the most part, and have been since the Korean War. President Trump has also been trying to keep a good relationship with President Xi, but has made clear that the US will not be taking advantage of anymore, specifically on trade. As of today, the US and China have entered a trade war in hopes of better trade deals as a result, more on that per Fox Business. Also as of today, a leak that sparked this post came to light, it was a Chinese government leak, and that leak contained information on growing their military and overtaking the United States. According to Express, China has plans to ramp up their military, which they're already doing, to win wars and eventually overtake the United States. Again this information is straight from Chinese government documents. The documents could suggest that China just wants to be a strong, if not the strongest, nation in the world. They cited the U.S, Russia, and Japan when talking about that. China is strong, but not strong enough yet. President Trump is trying to keep China on the good side, but it looks like China has plans of their own.
Breaking down the top three headlines of Thursday, July 5, 2018. Pulsar has chosen 3 headlines from today as the top 3 to go over, and those headlines are as follows:
CBS News reported earlier that Scott Pruitt has resigned as director of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). This comes after Pruitt being under intense scrutiny on scandals he's had while running the EPA. Pruitt has had to face pubic criticism and calls to resign as well. One being as recent as this week, Pruitt was confronted by a mother holding a child, berated him and called for his resignation. Pruitt may have had personal issues, but he seemed to be running the EPA just fine. Now, it wasn't too great when he was wastefully spending our tax dollars traveling. Of course the media spent plenty of time shaming Pruitt and putting his wrong doings out there, maybe because he is part of the Trump Administration. The media managed to ignore 43 EPA scandals that happened during Obama's presidency, per Grabien. President Trump came out on Twitter and confirmed that Andrew Wheeler will replace Pruitt as director of the EPA. More on this here from Fox News:
2. Teen Attacked for Wearing a "MAGA" Hat
A teen was eating at a San Antonio Whataburger when a very insensitive man walked up to him, robbed him of his "Make America Great Again" hat, and throw the teen's drink on the teen. This all according to News4 San Antonio. Check out the video here, per News4 San Antonio:
In that same News4 San Antonio article, Whataburger made a statement and stated that they "certainly don't condone this kind of customer behavior".
According to Infowars, the suspect has been identified as Jimenez Kino and Kino has since been fired from his job. Apparently /pol/ on 4Chan ID'd Kino and contacted his employer. Just another day of tolerant leftists.
3. Facebook Flags the Declaration of Independence as Hate Speech
Today The Washington Times reported that Facebook deemed the Declaration of Independence was hate speech. All week Facebook's algorithms have been flagging the Declaration of Independence as hate speech according to the report. The report cited how a community newspaper around the Houston/Beaumont, Texas area was posting the Declaration of Independence in small chunks each day for nine days on Facebook. The paper's Facebook paged received an automated notice that stated that the Monday post went against Facebook's standards on hate speech". Facebook apologized and told the paper that the censorship was a mistake. Facebook has been under fire from libertarians, republicans, and privacy hawks for years now, and especially since their data scandal just this year. Mark Zuckerberg has had to go before Congress for these scandals. Big tech has been pushing the limits on censoring speech. Twitter, Facebook, and Google are the big three when it comes to online speech censorship. Here's more on this story per Fox Business:
View www.viewpulsar.com every weekday for more "Headlines of the Day".
Breaking down the top 3 headlines of today, Tuesday, July 3, 2018. The top three headlines Pulsar has chosen to go over are as follows:
Monday night a group associated with the "Abolish ICE" movement through a brick through the office window of Nebraska Republican Party's headquarters in Lincoln, NE. The same vandals then spray painted "Abolish ICE" on the sidewalk outside of the office. This all according to the The Daily Caller.
This is just one of multiple violent leftist protests against ICE. On Saturday, a man assaulted a United States Secret Service officer after an ICE protest in Lafayette Square in Washington D.C. Per NBC Washington, a man illegally parked his car along Pennsylvania Avenue, got out, moved a security barrier, and started screaming "Where is the president" to officers. After the suspect started shouting at the officers, he then punched an officer in the jaw and in the eye. He was arrested for assaulting a federal law enforcement officer. According to CBS Philly, an ICE protest turned violent with multiple arrests today. See the news report, per CBS Philly, here:
People need to stop acting on emotion and look at the facts and statistics of ICE. Research ICE, and look at all the good things they do for the United States. They put their lives on the line and go to work every day to protect American citizens. Why does the left hate Americans so much? The left needs to tone it down, or they'll start being arrested more, or even worse, get people killed.
2. Oil Tops $75 per Barrel for the First Time Since 2014
Oil topped out at $75 per barrel today, but has leveled out at around $74 after the closing bell today per CNBC. Today was the first day since 2014 where oil has reached $75 per barrel. President Trump has been calling on OPEC to increase oil production to help combat the rising prices, and some have been calling for the president to open up some of the US oil reserves. Russia, per The Wall Street Journal, Russia plans to boost production output by 200,000 barrels a day. OPEC in general plans to boost oil production as well. Looks like President Trump is herding the cattle when it comes to oil countries. According to The Hill, Saudi Arabia is planning to boost oil output by 2 million barrels per day. Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman and President Trump have had a great relationship since 2017, and we need a good one with Saudi Arabia in terms of oil supply and other things. Here is a breakdown of rising oil and rising gas prices per Fox Business:
3. Walmart Buckles to Pressure to Remove "Impeach 45" T-Shirts from Store Website
Per Fox News, Walmart has removed "Impeach 45" t-shirts from their store website. Walmart came under intense social media fire today when it was revealed that they were selling t-shirts that had "Impeach 45" on them.
With all the division and incivility around the country, along with the democrats pushing for impeachment and violent protests, this seemed like a good idea for Walmart to remove it. Also a great business move after #BoycottWalmart started trending on Twitter and quickly gained support. This is America, and you should be able to sell whatever you want, legally that is, but you're not entitled to sell it anywhere you want. Especially in bad political times as now, a large company shouldn't be profiting or encouraging a movement of division.
View www.viewpulsar.com every weekday evening for more "Headlines of the Day".
Headlines of the Day: Foiled 4th of July Attack, Trump Tariffs, and Rand Paul Threatened Again7/2/2018
Below we're going to go over the top 3 headlines of Monday, July 2, 2018. The headlines Pulsar has chosen as the top 3 of the day are as follows:
Per WKYC, the FBI has foiled a plot to attack American citizens celebrating The 4th of July in Cleveland, OH. The suspect, Abdur Raheem Rafeeq also know to police as Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts, was set up and caught by the FBI on Sunday, July 1st. Rafeeq told an undercover FBI agent that he planned on committing a terror attack on The 4th of July in Cleveland, OH. According to authorities, Rafeeq conducted reconnaissance of downtown Cleveland, and even had pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda. This just goes to show that radical Islamic terrorism is still alive here in the US. Our men and women of law enforcement and government do a great job protecting us from it, this sting was a prime example. The WKYC news reports can be viewed here:
2. President Trump's Tariffs are Ramping Up, Canada has Retaliated, and Some are Worried
President Trump has been slapping tariffs left and right on countries, but for good reason. The good reason being the American worker and in the end the American consumer. President Trump is hoping to not only protect Americans in general when it comes to trade, but he wants to level the playing field when it comes to global trade. China has so far went toe to toe with the US and tariffs, the EU is threatening retaliatory tariffs on automobiles, and today Canada has hit the US with $12.6B in tariffs. Contrary to popular belief, this is what Trump was hoping for. This now sets the stage for trade negotiations and new trade deals to be made. It may sting at first, but at the end of the day the American worker and consumer will both benefit. Per Business Insider, Canada has hit the US with $12.6B in tariffs on steel, aluminum, yogurt, maple syrup, coffee, whiskey, candles, plywood, and various others. Now, a lot of this stuff the US has plenty of, and is made right here in the US, so buy American. These tariffs have some uneasy, see the Fox Business report here:
President Trump today came out and straight up said that the WTO (World Trade Organization) needs to change, or the US will do something about it. Per Fox Business, President Trump doesn't plan to leave the WTO, but is exploring plans to change the WTO.
Axios has reported a leaked bill titled "United States Fair and Reciprocal Trade Act" is in the works. The bill will give the President unilateral power to ignore the two most basic principles of the WTO and trade with any country. The President will be able to ignore tariff ceilings and not being able to set different tariff rates for different countries outside of free trade agreements. That is a bill I hope that passes, and it should, as it's long overdue. The US has been getting destroyed in trade for years now, and it's about time we have a president that is sticking up for the nation.
3. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and His Family Have Been Threatened, and The Suspect is Behind Bars
The Daily Caller reported earlier today that Kentucky GOP senator Rand Paul and his family were threatened. The suspect threatened to kill him and chop up his family with an axe. According to the report, the suspect called in the threat to Paul's Bowling Green, KY office.
Rand Paul was subject to physical assault from a lunatic neighbor in 2017, and his attacker has been charged and sentenced in that crime. Rand Paul is no stranger to these sorts of threats and attacks. Rand Paul is strong believer and supporter of liberty and the constitution, and according to the left, that's a bit radical. Political and physical violence have been ramping up on the left since President Trump has taken office. A deranged leftist shot up a GOP congressional baseball practice in 2017, nearly killing GOP representative, and House Majority Whip, Steve Scalise. Rand Paul was present that day, but not hit. This incivility and division has only been ramping up the last couple of months, and it seems as if there is no end in sight. The left is barking up the wrong tree, and for the sake of the United States, they should calm it down, and talk with those on the right. The mainstream media is no help at all for any of this.
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The Windows Were Not Broken Before Paddock's Room was Breached. Thank You, Shepard and Cullen6/27/2018
We all know the “official” story of the Las Vegas Shooting that occurred on 10/1/17. Stephen Paddock managed to kill 58 people and injure over 500 more, with simple AR-15 rifles from room 32-135 of the Mandalay Bay.
Paddock managed to pull off many accurate head shots at sniper distances with AR-15s fitted with bump stocks and managed to accurately hit running targets over a quarter mile away. That’s some of the “official” story. More of the “official” story is that officers breached Paddock’s room, found Paddock dead from suicide, ammo, weapons, expended casings all over the place, and two broken windows. What if I told you, that there were never any broken windows in 32-135 of the Mandalay Bay until after officers breached that room? Thanks to Shepard Ambellas of Intellihub and John Cullen of Youtube’s John E. Hoover channel, we now know this as fact. Click here to read Shepard Ambellas Intellihub report on this. John Cullen of John E. Hoover on YouTube elaborates on Ambellas report, and breaks down the body camera footage, as well as the dialogue spoken by officers in that footage. He points out the complete miss by several mainstream news outlets. Check it out here:
“Standby, we’ve got curtains open on a window that’s not broken.” “It’s not! It’s not! It’s not! Corey, it’s not. No, it’s not.”- SWAT officers' own words after breaching Paddock’s room.
Why isn’t this being reported by any mainstream news outlets. Isn’t this fabricating evidence? Why did the news outlets that reported on the body camera footage skip over that dialogue? Did they just miss it? Did their production team not take the time to actually listen to the whole thing? Were they instructed to not report it by some higher power? This information seems to be being ignored, a lot of evidence against the official story is actually. Why is this, what's going on here? If the ignorance is not intentional, then are these news outlets just that incompetent? Intellihub has been on top of their game when it comes to the Las Vegas Shooting investigation. It's true investigative journalism. John Cullen of John E. Hoover on YouTube has also been a big component in investigating the Las Vegas Shooting. Many others have been involved too, and it's us doing true investigative work that'll make a difference in this investigation, and hopefully, journalism will return to it's honest hard working roots. So ask yourself, did the LVPD and FBI falsify evidence after they realized they had not located the main shooter(s)? If they did, it's both a federal and Nevada state crime. Put yourselves in those SWAT officers shoes. You get the call that the shooter is in room 32-135, it seems to be confirmed, then *BOOM* door is breached and you find your suspect dead on the ground with weapons and ammo everywhere. Initially those SWAT officers knew for a fact they had their guy, until they started looking around, and then went to the windows. Two SWAT officers, on body cam footage, confirm there are no broken windows. Once that confirmation is relayed over police radio, there is silence in the room and a look of defeat on an officer's face. At that moment those officers knew Paddock wasn't the main shooter(s), and they wasted all that time zeroing in on Paddock, while the main shooter(s) fled the area, or so we know. Keep searching and keep asking questions. Take a look at a previous Pulsar report on Las Vegas Shooting witness statements that seem to have been ignored. |
October 2020