@ViewPulsar has launched a poll today via Twitter regarding President Trump's Supreme Court Justice pick. Please see below to vote in the poll. Please share the tweet and/or post to reach a larger sample.
Pulsar Poll Results: Do You Support President Trump's for Withdrawing the US from the Paris Accord?6/6/2017
America First! That's what President Donald Trump is all about, and he showed it when withdrawing us from the Paris Climate Agreement. However, the most recent Pulsar poll didn't show the full support for the President's decision.
The "No's" have it at 62% while the "Yes's" make up 33% of the vote, and a few stragglers make up the "Unsure" and "No Opinion". The move was not popular in the mainstream, and quite frankly among those who don't really know what the accord is.
Read this paper from the White House on the reason President Trump pulled us out:
It was a bad deal overall for the United States. The biggest polluters: China, India, and Russia have almost no restrictions on emissions and pollution under this deal. The United States has to dish out the most cash out all of countries as well, not good!
Even MIT agrees this accord is for nothing, stating above in the image, that if all countries in the agreement met their obligations, the world temperature would only be reduced by .2 degrees Celsius. Good move, President Trump.
Yesterday, President Trump issued a notice of termination to FBI Director James Comey. Comey himself learned at an FBI event in Los Angeles, and thought it was a joke per The New York Times. No joke, Comey, you're done.
It was well deserved given that Comey let Hillary and other powerful democrats off the hook, and even tried providing more cover to Huma Abedin and Anothony Weiner when he "corrected" his statements he made under oath in front of Congress last week. Huma forwarded many classified emails to Weiner to "print" out, but to Comey that's no big deal. Comey's incompetence and shadiness led to his firing, no one is to blame but himself. Even the Wall Street Journal is saying it was well deserved. At any rate here are the Pulsar poll results on the support of the decision to fire James Comey:
The No's have it at 52%, with the Yes vote at 34%. Out of 67 votes, it's sort of surprising the No vote won, but 52% believe it was the wrong decision.
James Comey had it coming to him, and even the democrats and mainstream media wanted him ousted, and they finally got their wish, but it was President Trump who fired him. Since Trump did the firing the media and democrats immediately flipped their script and scream "Trump-Russia" and "Nixon", and act like Comey did nothing wrong. Maybe if the FBI didn't chase the non-existent Trump-Russia collusion and prioritize actual real investigations, maybe Comey's reputation wouldn't be so negative. According to The Washington Post, the FBI prioritized the Trump-Russia investigation over intelligence leaks, and "resisted" investigating the intelligence leaks. President Trump was right, Comey was unable to effectively lead the bureau. Senator Rand Paul agreed with Trump's decision, and even agrees that the FBI/Dems are pushing a "huge myth" about Trump-Russia collusion. Here's a video of Rand Paul explaining his thoughts, per Fox Business:
God only knows what James Comey will do now, but it sure won't involve the federal government. Julian Assange of Wikileaks offered Comey a job though, per RT, maybe he can take that.
Below are the results of last week's Pulsar poll on support for war with North Korea, a reality we may face in the near future. We are closer now than ever to war with the rogue state, but China seems to have the US's back. 59% do not support war with North Korea, while 29% do, and 12% are unsure out of 58 voters.
Follow @ViewPulsar on Twitter for more weekly polls. Below are the results from last week's Pulsar Poll on the US missile strikes on Syria, run on the Pulsar Twitter account. 95 voters, sadly just shy of 100. Every vote counts, every perspective counts. Out of 95 votes, we had a tie for both "Yes" and "No", both receiving 37% of the vote while "26%" were "Unsure". To be honest, that pretty accurately sums up the mood of the nation with the Syrian Strikes.
Follow @ViewPulsar on Twitter for more weekly polls. Poll results from last week's, week of 3/24, Pulsar Poll. The poll was about what is more important? Only 18 voters, but that's 18 perspectives. Here are the results: Out of 18 votes, 39% thought healthcare was the most important out of those choices. Trump-Russia fiction story came in second, Trump and his Team surveillance in third, and tax cuts coming in last.
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