Still think Paddock did it on his own, huh? Still think all victims of the Las Vegas Shooting were shot and killed from room 32-135 of the Mandalay Bay, huh? Still believe the official story, huh?
The amount of evidence against the official story is outstanding. One single body camera on one of Las Vegas's finest blows the official story out of the water. Now if you have read the part 1 of this story, you'd be up to speed, and have a pretty good idea on what really happened that night. You'd see, and if watched John E. Hoover's videos and read Intellihub, that no windows were ever broken prior to Las Vegas Police breaching Paddock's Mandalay Bay suite. Let's break this down one more time. You're part of the Las Vegas Police strike team tasked with breaching Paddock's suite and taking down the shooter. You manage to get to the room, and boom, you breach the room. Next thing you know, Paddock is on the ground dead, guns and ammo everywhere, and you think you accomplished the objective. So you start sweeping the room gathering evidence and checking for clues, and you then notice that no windows in Paddock's room are broken. An officer, whose name from what we believe is Corey, says these words: "We do not have a broken window." and "Standby we have curtains open on a window that's not broken.". Another officer can be heard saying, "It's not! It's not! It's not! Corey, it's not, no it's not.". This "Corey" fella, whose name can be heard multiple times on the officer's body camera, is no where to be found on the preliminary FIT report. So who was this "Corey" fella, who stated more than once that windows are not broken? John Cullen of John E. Hoover on YouTube can help you understand:
Is Corey a "government fixer"? Why wouldn't he be on any reports regarding the breaching and sweeping of Paddock's suite, but can clearly be heard on an officer's body cam?
Back to the windows. Some may say, well that body cam footage doesn't show all the windows in Paddock's suite. Correct, but it shows the one, and the only one that counts. Before an officer exclaims to Corey that the window is not broken, they tell an officer to check the window by the pillar. The window by the pillar is the window that was broken, and its image is now etched into the official story. In Intellihub's initial story on this, and John E Hoover's initial video on this, we see that the window is not broken, and Corey and another officer confirm that window is not broken. Here is another John E Hoover video on this in case you need a refresher:
Now let's pivot for a moment, say the window was broken, why would an officer walk over to the window next to the pillar and stand on broken glass and shell casings? Wouldn't you want to be more careful with evidence, aren't officers and investigators supposed to leave evidence undisturbed until the investigation at the scene is concluded? Why would an officer carelessly walk on and over evidence?
Like the evidence pictured here at that exact same window:
It's almost like that window was never broken prior to breaching, and they were simply checking to see if it was broken because the curtain was in a position like it was being looked out of or moved. The officer moved the curtain to find that the window was not broken, and officer Corey confirms that.
Compare these two photographs, one with the broken windows taken the day after the massacre, and the other taken the night of the massacre. Notice anything?
Yes, the one on the right may be a little small. Click to enlarge it, and look to where 32-135 should be, do you see any indication that windows are broken? You do not see any lights at all, and if windows were broken, the lights from those rooms would be easily noticeable since Mandalay's windows are tinted.
For the record, the picture on the right was taken after the shooting. Check the source for the full picture. Why does it seem like we're being lied to? Is it because we are? Is it because Las Vegas Police breached Paddock's room, Paddock is dead, guns everywhere, ammo everywhere, but no broken windows? No broken windows means Paddock couldn't have been the shooter. You just wasted all your time zeroing in on Paddock to take him down, sure he is the main suspect, just to find out he wasn't. What would you do? A true independent and moral person would tell the truth, so were the officer's pressured? Is the deep state involved here? Also, the silence after the officers confirm there is no broken windows is very telling. You can tell they're shocked and not sure what to do. In one of the John E Hoover videos, when the officers breach Paddock's room, you hear a bang then "nice shot". Nice shot? I thought Paddock killed himself? More and more evidence shows that officer's, and Jesus Campos, engaged Paddock. Here's a tweet from @intellihubnews that shows this:
The blood coming from Paddock's head doesn't add up with the suicide, and look at his chest, that looks like a hole with blood around it. It looks dry as the blood coming from his head looks very fresh, also there isn't much blood coming from his head after a gunshot wound. Per the body cam footage, they didn't take photos that quickly.
Also, how is that rifle over his left leg? Kind of looks placed, don't it? I mean was he standing with his foot underneath the bi-pod area when he was killed? Even if that was the case, wouldn't the rifle have moved when he fell to the ground? So what's going on here? Why are there still more questions than answers 9 months later? If Paddock wasn't the shooter, which he couldn't have been since the windows weren't broken, then who was? Answer, look in the sky on the videos that night. Answer, listen to the 911 calls and read the witness reports talking about multiple shooters up and down the Las Vegas strip. Check some my findings from this batch of 911 calls that night:
Need any more findings or proof, check out this old Pulsar post on the witness statements from that night.
Did the authorities falsify evidence? If so, they could be in some serious trouble. We're gathering the proof, but don't hold your breath on prosecution. See you don't hear this stuff from the Las Vegas Police, Clark County Sheriff, or the FBI. They fed you their "official story" and have fought tooth and nail not to let any information out, but they failed. Regular citizens have blown the top off this investigation and the truth is coming out. We can't be stopped. One day the real story will be brought to the masses, but sadly, that day seems far away. We're doing our part, now do your part and share this and any other Las Vegas Shooting video/story you can find. The windows in Paddock's suite were not broken, who was the shooter(s)? They were in the sky and on the ground. Paddock gave them the cover to flee the scene. Keep asking questions and keep searching, folks.
7/17/2018 11:15:43 am
Wow, all great questions and certainly blows the 'official story'. Wanted to add that the "SOUND" in the hotel room would be completely different if the windows were broken. We would hear the commotion from outside--- helicopters, sirens, ambient noise, etc. It would sound like open air as opposed closed. Take care.
7/17/2018 11:21:01 am
Rebecca, exactly. How come we don't see any broken windows that night, from any photos or videos? When was the first time you saw the broken windows, the next morning?
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