Virtual Reality, living in 2016 you've had to of heard of it, and maybe even experienced it for yourself,Many companies have developed and released their own VR platforms, but Google takes the trophy right now.
Google Daydream operates like Samsung Gear VR works, you connect your phone to the front of the goggles and the expeirence begins. You control what you want to do and how you do things with a remote. Google has been testing this technology for a while now, starting with Cardboard and finally perfecting it with Daydream. Now you may be asking, "what sets this apart from Samsung, Playstation, and Oculus?", it may not be the hardware, but it's what you can do and experience. Google Daydream, according to The Verge, just added HBO, a virtual lego game, and are even planning to add Netflix and Need For Speed. Daydream already offers many video games, some free, some paid. You'll be able to binge watch House of Cards and feel like you're standing right next to Frank Underwood. Here's a quick video from Google:
It's honestly and amazing piece of technology, Playstation VR is pretty cool, but you get more bang for your buck with Daydream. Google Daydream runs for $79.99 on the Google Store. Really, this is the best VR you're going to get your hands on for the next year or two, bet on two.
Consumers shouldn't be the only ones excited about Daydream, developers and businesses should also be excited. Developers have probably more recently been playing around with Microsoft Hololens, but wait till they start cranking out apps for Daydream. Daydream may be more profitible for businesses and developers because the amount of people that have Google devices. The pricing is also key for this to be profitible for Google and the developers and businesses. More people will buy it and demand more out of it, and innovators will create more for it. Unfortunately, you need to own Moto Z or Google Pixel devices to use this, but it won't be too long until all Android devices can use Daydream, and Android owns the mobile operating system market. The things you can experience already on Daydream, what's to come, and the price of the device make it all worthwhile. It clearly beats Oculus, Playstation VR, MagicLeap, and Hololens though some of those aren't market ready yet, but Google will have the competive advantage anyhow. Virtual Reality has always been a kids video game dream, and has always been more fiction than non-fiction, well those days are over. These are only the early years of VR, the best is yet to come, think of these as still BETAs than the real deal, because much more can be done. Google Daydream is the closest we thing we have to the real deal, and frankly it probably will end up being the real deal in VR's golden age. There was an article the other day from The Daily Mail, about Microsoft saying that VR can cause halluncinations more powerful than LSD. That is some serious hullucinating if true. Microsoft conducted quizzes with a bunch of researchers on their expectations for Virtual Reality. Microsoft cites that VR will more of "multisensory experience" rather than just an "audio/visual" one, which really is true. If you think about it, if you use VR enough your body could retain those images, feelings, and even movements. Say after you stop using your VR device, your brain still thinks your in the virtual world, or if you develop a habit you start hallucinating certain things at certain times or in certain places. VR still could have long term effects, and I believe there are seizure warnings for these devices. It also could have very negative effects on your eyes with the screen being so close, and with your eyes being enclosed, but lets wait and see what the health/medical experts have to conclude about it. If your excited for VR, or want to experience, please buy Google Daydream; great price, great device, great company, and plenty of great content with much more to come. Independent developers and companies need to start creating for this device, because it will be the real deal.
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